Setting up Burpsuite for Android Pentesting

Everyone knows that when it comes to penetration testing, Burpsuite by PortSwigger is our best friend. While there are tons of tutorials out there that guides one through the process...

Installing Argo Workflow in a Production Server

Getting Argo Workflow up and running is rather straightforward when you use their quick start manifests. Unfortunately, the same can’t be said when it comes to installing it in a production-ready server.

Setting up Kubernetes Clusters

Setting up Kubernetes cluster locally is simple when all you need is minikube, but what if you have to do without?

Local Installation of Argo Workflow

A how-to reference on installing Argo Workflow in your local environment because no, we are not going to test workflow templates in a production environment.

HTB - Spectra

Spectra has just retired from HackTheBox! Here’s a quick and dirty writeup on my thought process while solving it.

OSCP Review 2021

I have recently sat for the Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP) exam and passed in my first attempt with an estimated score of 77.5 points. Since I have benefited from...

How an IDOR Vulnerability Leaked Tons of PIIs

Responsible Disclosure. AKA Bug Bounty. AKA How I got 500 dollars richer with IDOR!

SecTor 2019

SecTor is one of Canada’s biggest security conference and I was lucky enough to snag a ticket from OWASP Toronto Chapter. It is also the first security event that I...

Bsides Toronto 2019

Another day, another security event. Unlike Day of Shecurity (DOS) – whose CTF were mainly catered for begineers – Bsides Toronto’s CTF was very much harder. Coincidently, I banged into...

Day of Shecurity 2019

It has been a couple of months since I’ve step afoot into the land of raccoons Canada and I thought that is high time for me to immerse myself into...